In August 2016, Collins & Collins expanded the practice to include Estate Planning services. We now work with clients on all facets of estate planning. Andy Collins heads up this department and is available to discuss your estate by appointment. Call today to schedule your initial consultation, which can typically be set up within the same week.
FREE Estate Planning Consultation
As a Wilmington, NC estate planning attorney, Andy wants people to feel comfortable with the estate planning process.
Therefore, he provides a FREE estate planning consultation. This initial estate planning consultation is intended as a get-acquainted session to see if we’re comfortable working together and generally lasts an hour to two hours.
As for what you’ll need in terms of documentation and advice, you may already know. Or you may need guidance in formulating a plan that fits your life and your family dynamics. In either case, perhaps we can help.
Please note: The free estate planning consultation applies only to initial estate planning meetings and does not apply for consultations regarding probate, trust administration, trust litigation, guardianships, or other legal type work.
Our Philosophy
Estate planning is about more than money or possessions or property or simply deciding who gets what. While those things are important, other aspects of creating an estate plan focus on you, your values, and your legacy. In other words:
How much or how little you have doesn’t matter; an estate plan can reflect your values and the people and causes you care about.
In that sense, the possibilities for what a well-thought out estate plan can accomplish are almost endless.
Our goal is to handle each client’s situation with compassion and sensitivity. Give us a call today to find out what we can do for you.